-Cilantro is the American name for Coriander, which is also known as Chinese parsley. Every part of thecoriander plant is edible. But, its flat and delicate green leaves and the dried seeds are mostly used in cooking. The lacy leaves that look like Italian Parsleybear strong flavour and aroma.
-With its sweet, bright aroma, fresh cilantro is used in Latin American and Asian cooking. Use this bold herb (AKA coriander or Chinese parsley) raw or cooked in soups, salads, and stews. Its assertive taste stands up well to mild-flavored foods like pork, chicken, fish, and shellfish. It's the key to a kicking salsa.
-Approx 20Sprigs
100 Grams Fresh Coriander leaf / Dhania Leaf/ Cilantro leaf /Chinese Parsley Premium
- Product Code: NILL
- Availability: In Stock
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